Piraeus Port Authority is continuously working on new strategies and practices with the ultimate goal to optimise transport in technical, environmental and socio-economic terms. In particular with regard to the transport and logistic sector, the Port studies a series of measures to promote fast, accurate and green freight transport logistics and make intermodal transport more competitive. As one of the main node of the logistic chain in Europe, Piraeus Port supports the introduction and application of innovative new technologies and digital solutions to close gaps, remove bottlenecks and provide interoperable operations.

MultiAPPRO PLUS EU-funded project highlights the role of ports, which is particularly important as they receive countless daily flows of passengers and cargo, and at the same time are the main transport hubs for different transport means, such as road and rail transport.

For achieving the above-mentioned goals, MultiAPPRO PLUS optimizes and promotes the Transport Performance Strategy, which was developed within MultiAPPRO project, and whose main goal is to promote and enhance sustainable growth of intermodal transport by defining the effects of any potential investment on any intermodal transport component with respect on intermodality operational, financial, safety, environmental and ITS issues.

Methodology of MultiAPPRO Transport Performance Strategy


The Transport Performance Strategy was initially applied during the MultiAPPRO Project as a pilot action to the Car Terminal of the Port of Piraeus providing the transport investments implementation scenarios. The pilot actions demonstrated that the developed Strategy contributes into the elimination of pointless and high-risk projects in transport network  to achieve the final goal. The implementation of the MultiAPPRO Strategy allowed the designation of both short- and long-term actions of transport stakeholders.

In MultiAPPRO PLUS, PPA has the chance to further promote the use of such tools in port strategic programming and disseminate the results to the wider port community and stakeholders through Intermodal Transport Network (ITN) and high-level events. The target of dissemination is to increase the potential dynamic of the Strategy to a global level beyond the Adriatic Ionian Region satisfying the needs of international intermodal transport.