Priority Axis 3 - Connected Region

Activities Archive

3 Dec 2020

Intermodality – Serbia as the hinterland of the Port of Bar / Sanja Bojić, Associate Professor, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad

December 3rd, 2020|Activities Archive, Library Archive, News Archive|

Within the MULTIAPPRO project, one of the tasks is the promotion of intermodality. Accordingly, the external expert of Port of Bar, Sanja Bojić, Associate Professor, has prepared a paper on the topic “Intermodality – Serbia as the hinterland of the Port of Bar”.

2 Nov 2020

6th ITN meeting of MultiAPPRO project

November 2nd, 2020|Activities Archive, Events Archive|

The 6th ITN meeting of MultiAPPRO project was organized online on 20th October 2020. This meeting gathered 28 participants, MultiAPPRO partners and experts in different fields, and it allowed the consortium to have a fruitful discussion according to their experience and knowledge on the subject of Green Deal priorities of European Comission.

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