On April 27th, 2022, the seven partners of the MultiAPPRO PLUS EU-funded project met for the 2nd Steering Committee meeting, organised by Codognotto Holding and hosted at Codogotto headquarters in Salgareda, Italy. The meeting was organised in hybrid form in order to give the possibility to attend also to partners not able to travel.

MultiAPPRO PLUS project partners provided an update on the progresses and results achieved so far in each work package, reporting issues and information about the state of the art of the various activity and upcoming events.

During the event, special attention was given to the development of the new Port of Bar application, which aims at optimising and automate port and logistic efficient processes through single submission of data, trying also to avoid any document in paper form in order to be aligned with EC sustainability goal.

The project will end at the end of June 2022 and partners will take the opportunity to meet again and discuss about the achievements reached during the six-months project at the MultiAPPRO PLUS ITN event, which will be organised by NTUA in Greece (date still TBC).